Sugar Glider Emergency Preparation
The Best Time To Be Prepared For A Sugar Glider Emergency Is BEFORE One Happens!
Sugar gliders have the ability to live for a long time. The average life span is between 8-10 years with some living as long as 15 years. The one thing sugar glider owners learn, is their new pets are very good at hiding their illness. Due to sugar gliders being nocturnal, often times when a sugar glider emergency happens, it happens at night.
By educationg yourself on the different health issues that may arise, or different accidents that can happen and having an emergency kit available can help prevent an early demise.
What to Have In
Your Emergency Kit
- An Emergency Vet Fund with a Minimal amount of $550.00 is recommended.
- Antibiotic Ointment (like Neosporin, please be sure not to use the one with pain reliever in it)
- Alcohol Swabs
- A List with all medications your Sugar Glider may currently be on.
- Baby wipes
- Collasate Spray
- Vetericyn Spray
- Cotton Balls/ Cotton Swabs
- An E-Collar and/or E-Jacket
- Eye Droppers
- Fleece Blankets (12"X15" to hold your Sugar Glider)
- Flour
- Gauze Pads
- Hand Sanitizer
- Health Record
- Heat Pack for transporting a sick glider
- Heating Pad
- KY Jelly
- Nail Clippers
- Pedialyte Popsicles
- Preparation H (for prolapsed penis)
- Scissors
- Syringes
- Tweezers
- Veterinarian Tape
- A small, transportable hospital cage
Be Prepared With Important Numbers & Keep them Posted Where they Are Easily Accessible
- Primary Veterinarian's Number
- Back up Veterinarian's Number
- 24-Hour Emergency Veterinarian's Number
- Pet Sitter
- Support Persons Number
Information To Leave With
Your Sugar Glider Sitter
- Names on Cages
- Feeding Schedule
- List of foods and locations
- Quantity to feed
- List of phone numbers, these will include your number, your Veterinarians number, your back-up Veterinarians number, the 24 hour Emergency Clinic number
- Addresses to all Veterinarians you have listed
- The location where you will be
- How long you will be gone
- Emergency contact in case they are unable to tend to your Sugar Glider
Also, call your Veterinarians office and make sure they put your credit card on file and explain you will be out of town. Give your Pet sitters name and your approval (may be required in writing) to bring your pets in for care if needed.
Critter Love at Brewer's Ranch
Beeville, TX 78102