Sugar Glider Blog

Elevate Your Sugar Glider's Diet: The Importance of High-Quality Staples and Balanced Salads
Introduction: Sugar gliders are unique and fascinating pets known for their playful nature and close bonds with their owners. To ensure their healt...

The Best Salad for Sugar Gliders
Let's talk about creating your salad mixes for your sugar gliders. No matter which diet you are offering... Here is a list highlighting the differe...
The origin of sugar gliders kept in the United States
The origin of exotic pet sugar gliders (Petaurusbreviceps) kept in the United States of America
The demand for exotic non-domesticated an...
The impact of dietary vitamin D in sugar gliders
A pilot study was performed to investigate the impact of dietary vitamin D on circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25[OH]D) metabolite concentrations i...
Evaluation of three popular diets fed to pet sugar gliders
Three diets fed to 12 pair-housed sugar gliders, Petaurus breviceps, were evaluated through 5-day intake and digestion trials following 10-day tra...
Bot Fly in Sugar Glider
Although rarely reported, cuterebraediasis can be found in Sugar Gliders located in the United States. A recent case presented itself in a nine mon...
Critter Love® Putting Money Where Their (Sugar Gliders) Mouth Is!
Over the past few years (and currently ongoing), Critter Love® has contributed animals, samples, and funding for pilot studies to collect baseline ...

Holiday or Emergency Travel with Sugar Gliders
So you’re traveling for the holiday? How about for the weekend? Was this trip planned, or did it sneak up on you? Hopefully you’re prepared to brin...

How to Get Rid of Sugar Glider Smell
Did you know sugar gliders have multiple scent glands? You may have noticed the bald spot on the back of your male’s head, or the patch on their ch...

The Importance of Toys & Play for Sugar Gliders
As you may know by now, Sugar Gliders are very social animals. While in the wild they live in cohorts of 7-9 animals. Their habitats often encompas...

Hurricane Preparedness with Sugar Gliders
Plan Ahead
Hurricanes are very traumatic for all pets, sugar gliders included. Sugar gliders should be kept with their owners during the storm. The...

If you are reading this, you have either recently purchased a sugar glider or you are researching to find more information about them.
First thing...

What is a Sugar Glider?
You have heard the name, maybe seen a photo of one. But do you really know what they are and if they make good pets? Well, today we are starting y...