Over the past few years (and currently ongoing), Critter Love® has contributed animals, samples, and funding for pilot studies to collect baseline information on vitamin D nutrition in gliders in trying to understand dietary interactions with calcium and phosphorus metabolism.
None of these nutrients works independently – so looking at how different diet levels affect circulating blood metabolites is critical for evaluating immediate status, as well as longer term health. In ongoing controlled feeding trials – with diets subjected to laboratory chemical analysis – gliders fed various diets/combinations are evaluated through blood samples to determine and establish normal/expected ranges of a variety of nutrients. Not only are we looking at macrominerals such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and sodium (for which we do have established clinical targets through the sugar glider veterinary community), but we’re also examining concentrations of trace minerals (copper, iron, manganese, zinc) to more fully describe assessment criteria. Once adequate numbers and treatments are collated for statistical evaluation, results will be submitted for publication in peer-reviewed scientific journals for the benefit of gliders, owners, and their health care professionals globally.
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